Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Contoh Proposal Skripsi


Human beings as social creatures cannot live alone in order to fulfill their need. They need to communicate to one another to carry out their living. In communicating their other,people must be able to speak using good and understandable language. There fore they have to adjust their way of speaking to the norms and values that exist in the society where they live. This is to avoid the possibility that other people feel uncomportable or compenient with what they say.Not only sould they watchful with their behavior, they also have tobe cereful with the words they use when compeying their massages because words can make people mad, sad, and even feel offended.
But some people commonly have different views about the use of sundanese langunguage. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary (2000) impolit word is defind as “havin or showin a lack of respect for other people and their feeling”. It means that the words used the communicate or to send a massage imply negative sense, which couse unsatisfactory feeling.It is evidenced in the rapid use of them in several circum stances.
Studying the language used in village invironment separately is not a news undertaking in linguisticsstudies. Some linguists have researched in real language used in variouse circumstances. For example, Labov (1972) has investigated the connections between non standard language and social education.
Many languages have words which are considered dangerous, holy magic, or shocking, and wwhich are only used in certain situation or by certain people. For instance, in some African tribes the names of dead chiefs must not be said; in many cultures,words associated with the religiouse beliefs are used only on religion occasion or only by pariests (Swan, 1995:550).
In his village interaction, teenagers use more often sundanese language communicate to each other. Some teenagers even lookso deligtful and take pleasure in using the sundanese language. The sundanese language seems familiar so that there is not hesitation to utter this, especially in conversations between their ffriends. We can hear them using sundanese language sofreely and “fluently” in their interaction.
The problem, of course interested the writer in exploring fartherabout the use of sundanese language at the village. The writer concerned with expressions uttered by the teenegers in their conversation both in and out side the village.


The use of analysis sundanese language used by teenager has become serious interesting because it was related to the mother tongue.
Based on the reason above, the writer has formulated the problem that wil be answered throug the following questions:
1. What are the common sundanese language used by teenager in their interaction at the publick?
2. What are the reasons for the usage?
3. How far do the teenagers prefer using sundanese language the another?


1. The writer see seriouse interest of using sundanese language by teenagers at the village.
2. The writer want to know why the teenager used sundanese language in interaction among them.
3. The writer want to know what expression are used.


There are many aspects and elements of linguistics related toth espoken language because of the broadness of th ediscussion above, the writer limited her topic. He focused his investigating on the sundanese language used by teenagers in his village.


1.5.1. Objective
The general objective of this study
To discribe the analysis of sundanese language used by teenager of his village in interaction among them.
Specific objective
1. Explore the sundanese language used by teenager in their interaction.
2. To find up the reasons of sundanese language used by teenager usage.
1.5.2. Benefits
By doing this research, the writer got a lot of benefits among others :
1. He obtained some pieces of information conserning the commen sundanese language used by teenagers in their interaction.
2. The out come of this study is expected to the teacher a description about the pattern of sundanese language used in teenagers interaction.
3. This study is expected to widen the knowledge of sociolinguistics.

This research is based on th efollowing assumption :
1. The teenagers used th esundanese language in their interaction.
2. There are some reason why the teenagers used sundanese language for their communication.
1.7.1. Method
Method is kind of tool that the writer willuse in carrying out his work. Based on the objective that wan to be achieved and the problem should be investigated, the writer used the “Descriptive method”. Descriptive method is a method used to investigate problems taking place at present. This method can help the readers through their imagination,to visualize a sense of a person, to understand a sensation an emotion.
1.7.2. Instument
In collecting the data, the writerused two or four different instruments. They are field observation, field note, interview, and tape recording. Observation is used to acquire natural and spontaneous conversationamong teenagers. Interview is carried up to investigate how the teenagers perceive used sundanese language.
1.7.3. Data Analysis Techniques
To keep the continuity of the research, a researcher must implicitly include the appropriate data technique analysis so that he can define the following steps.
In this study, the writer decided to use qualitative descriptive analysis in analyzing the data collected from the field.


1.8.1. Pupulation
The population is an entire group of people, object or events, which all have at least one characteristic in common, and must be defined specificallyand unambiguosly.
The population that is going to be taken is the teenager of his village ( plered village)
1.8.2. Sample
The writer tooka small number of populations as a sample to refresent all the population. For keeping the analysis of the data easily, in this research the writer took the teenager of his village.

In carriyin out this Research,The writer Tried to follow the following steps :
- Determining Field of the study.
- Construct the data collecting instrument including interview and field observation.
- Data collection process.
- Process and analyze the data collected
- Draw conclusions and give the suggestions.

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